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What makes you Sleepy after Thanksgiving?

What makes you Sleepy after Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving meal is that turkey contains tryptophan, a natural sedative. But the staff at CO2Meter has known for years that high CO2 levels during the meal results in drowsiness too.

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CO2 Safety in Restaurants, Bars, Venues

CO2 Safety in Restaurants, Bars, Venues

CO2 safety in restaurants, bars, breweries, and venues is critical. If you're a manager or owner here's what you need to know.

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How Does a Zirconia Oxygen Sensor Work?

How Does a Zirconia Oxygen Sensor Work?
Zirconia Oxygen Sensors are typically used to measure the air-to-fuel ratio in combustion, automotive, oil, gas, and bio-mass environments.

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What is CO2 Enrichment?

What is CO2 Enrichment?
CO2 enrichment is the process of increasing the amount of carbon dioxide gas to a  higher level than normal in air.

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Oxygen Deficiency Alarm Monitors Pressurized Gas Leaks

Oxygen Deficiency Alarm Monitors Pressurized Gas Leaks
The Remote Oxygen Depletion Safety Alarm warns your staff before they enter an area with dangerously low oxygen levels caused by pressurized gas leaks.

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